Stein 1 von Nylarsker

(Ny Larsker-stenen II)

Siglen Bh 33 | DR379 | DRM V, 28 | L 1480 | DR 379
Fundort Nylarsker (Nylarsker Sogn, Bornholms Amt, Bornholm, DK) Ort auf Karte
sasur : lit : resa : sten : eftiR : aluarþ : faþur : sin : truknaþi : han : uti : meþ : ala : sk|ibara : etki : i : kristr : hab|(i) | siolu | has | sten : þesi : stai | eftir
Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Sassurr had the stone raised in memory of Hallvarðr, his father, (who) drowned abroad with all the seamen. May Christ ever (and) endlessly (?) help his soul. May this stone stand in memory. Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter


in situ : våbenhus, Nylarskirke, Nylarsker, DK
Findno.: 1015
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