Stein 1 von Hällestad

Siglen Sk 80 | DR295 | L 1442 | DR 295
Fundort Hällestad (Hällestads socken, Torna härad, Skåne, S) Ort auf Karte
Side A : askil : sati : stin : þansi : ift[iR] | : tuka : kurms : sun : saR : hulan : | trutin : saR : flu : aigi : at : ub:|:salum
Side B satu : trikaR : iftiR : sin : bruþr | stin : ą : biarki : stuþan : runum : þiR :
Side C (k)(u)(r)(m)(s) (:) (t)(u)(k)(a) : kiku : (n)(i)(s)(t)[iR]
Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Áskell placed this stone in memory of Tóki Gormr's son, to him a faithful lord. He did not flee at Uppsala. "Drengar" placed in memory of their brother the stone on the hill, steadied by runes. They went closest to Gormr's Tóki. Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter

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anderer Aufbewahrungsort : Hällestad kyrka, Hällestad, S
Findno.: 1218
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