Bleiamulett von Blæsinge

(Blæsinge-blyamulet; Blæsinge blyplade)

Siglen Sj 50 | Aarb1987;205 | DR Aarb1987;205
Fundort Blæsinge (Havrebjerg Sogn, Holbæk Amt, Sjælland, DK) Ort auf Karte
+ co=niuro= =uos : s=æpt=(æ)(m) : so=ro=ræs (a)(t)--(a)r-------(s) : ræ(s)... | (æ)=(l)ffrica : a=ffric= (e)a so=ria a=ffoca : a=ffricala : co=niuro uos æ=t co=n:t=æsto=r : pær patræm : | æ=t filium æ=t spirit=um (:) sanct=um (:) (u)(t) n(o)=n : nocæatis : stam famulum : dæi : næquæ | (i)n : hoculis : næquæ in mæmpris : næquæ in mædullis : næc in ullo comp|(-)(-)ine mæmbrorum æius : ut inhabit=æt : in te uirt=us cristi : al(t)iss(i)|(m)(i) : eccæ crru(u)(c)(æ)m : (d)o=nmini (:) fukit(i) (:) pa=rt=(æ)s : (a)=duæ(r)s=æ : (u)i(c)(i)(t) (l)æ(o) : dæ t=r(i)b(u) (i)(u)|da radi{X} : dauit : in nominæ pat=ris æt filii : æ=t spirit=us sa=nc=ti amæn ::(:) | crist=us : uincit : crist=us : ræknit : crist=us : impæræt : crist=us : lipærat + | crist=us t=æ bænædicat : a=b oomi : m=alo : (d)æfændat : a:k:l:a bat=ær : nostær :+ -
Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon I invoke you, seven sisters ... Elffrica(?), Affricca, Soria, Affoca, Affricala. I invoke and call you to witness through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that you do not harm this servant of God, neither in the eyes nor in the limbs nor in the marrow nor in any joint of his limbs, that the power of Christ Most High shall reside in you. Behold the cross of the Lord; flee, you hostile powers. The lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, has conquered. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ rules, Christ liberates, Christ blesses you, defends you from all evil. Agla. Our Father … Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter
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Inventarnummer: D 81/1984
Findno.: 1544
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