Runenstäbchen/rúnakefli von Bergen, Gullskoen, Brygge

(Søre Engelgården, Bryggen, Bergen)

Siglen N 632 | N B248
Fundort Bergen (Bergen kommune, -, Hordaland fylke, N) Ort auf Karte
§A ÷ in nomne (p)at=ric æ=þ fi(l)i æ=þ cprit=uc| |ca=nti am=en : surraa
§B pia sruc æ=þ pasio sricte ??i m(a) pacmauit æ=þ casrobat
§C ?(a)=l(r) ?i?(e) (d)(e)i cin medisina cin medisina mii o
§D cagine la=uit febrac (a)(d)(i)(k)oui(a)(d) fu(i) (m)(a) uecca=re lr
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §A In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen <currat> §C May God's Five Wounds be (my) medicine. May my medicine be §B Holy Cross and Christ's passion. He who moulded and washed me §D with Holy Blood. May he expel the fever which strives to torment me. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
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Universitetsmuseet i Bergen (Bergen, N)
Inventarnummer: 0/27316
Findno.: 2631
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