Stäbchen von Bergen, Søndre Gullskoen, Bryggen, Bergen

(Søndre Gullskoen, Bryggen, Bergen)

Sigle N B257
Fundort Bergen (Bergen kommune, -, Hordaland fylke, N) Ort auf Karte
§A rist e=k : bot:runa=r : rist : e=k biabh:runa=r : eæin:fa=l uiþ : a=luom : tuiua=lt uiþ : t=rolom : þreua=lt : uiþ : þ(u)--
§B uiþ e=nne : skøþo : skah : ua=lkyrriu : sua:at : eæi mehi : þo:at æ uili : læuis : kona : liui : þinu g- -
§C e=k sende=r : þer : ek se a þe=r : ylhia=r : e=rhi o=k oþola : a þe=r : rini : uþole : a=uk : i(a)luns : moþ : sittu : ald=ri : sop þu : ald=r(i) -
§D a=nt : mer : sem : sialpre : þer : beirist : rubus : rabus : eþ : arantabus : laus : abus : rosa : ga=ua --
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon I cut runes of help; I cut runes of protection; once against the elves, twice against the trolls, thrice against the ogres ... ... against the harmful 'skag'-valkyrie, so that she never shall, though she ever would-evil woman!-(injure) your life ... I send to you, I look at you (=cast on you with the evil eye): wolfish evil and hatefulness. May unbearable distress and 'ioluns' misery take effect on you. Never shall you sit, never shall you sleep, ... ... (that you) love me as yourself. [Latinate magical words] and [magical words] ... Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
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Findno.: 3281
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