Wetzstein von Borgholms slott

(Borgholms slott (?))

Sigle Öl Fv1918(2);15
Fundort Borgholms slott (Räpplinge socken, Slättbo härad, Öland, S) Ort auf Karte Rotes Fragezeichen-Icon

§P × ilu × hain × okrl × þisa
§Q × ilu × hain × a(k)ru(k) × þisa
§R × -(t)| |(t)u × hain × a (k)rum × þisa
§S × -(t)| |(t)u × hain × a- ruk × þisa
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §P From evil(?) (protect) this bachelor(?) (who owns this). §Q ... ... ... ... §R Eat you, whetstone, to your misfortune. §S Devour this ridge of the whetstone (on which the runes stand). Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas


Historiska museet (Stockholm, S)
Findno.: 4282
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