Stein von Kolsundet, Husby

Sigle Sö 196
Fundort Kolsundet, Husby (Ytterselö socken, Selebo härad, Södermanland, S) Ort auf Karte

§P * hikifriþr * lit * r-isa * sain * þna * iftiR * ayulf * faþur * sin * auk * staf * ayulf- (k)iarþi ** þat * ausþiki * hiuk * asur * ifnti * kina * uistr
§Q * hikifriþr * lit * r-isa * sain * þna * iftiR * ayulf * faþur * sin * auk * staf * ayulf- ... (k)iarþi * þat * ¶ i * ausþiki * hiuk * asur * ifnti * kina * uistr
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §P Ingifríðr had this stone and staff raised in memory of Eyjulfr, her father. Eyjulfr made this Assembly-(place) in the east(?). Ôzurr cut (the runes). Gínna/Gína made(?) (the Assembly-place) in the west(?) §Q Ingifríðr had this stone and staff raised in memory of Eyjulfr, her father. Eyjulfr did this during autumn assembly, cut (killed) Ôzurr. He avenged the betrayals in the west. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Runenreihe jüngeres fuþąrk
Inschrift­charakter run.
Zustand beeinträchtigt; gut
Vollständig? nein


Findno.: 4841
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