Stein von Eggeby

Sigle U 69
Fundort Eggeby (Spånga socken, Sollentuna härad, Uppland, S) Ort auf Karte
raknilfR × lit × kirua × bru × þasi × iftiR × anunt + sun + s[i](n) [× k]uþan × kuþ ---bi × ons × ant × uk × salu × bitr × þan × on krþi × til × munu × iki × mirki × miRi × uirþa × muþiR × karþi × i(f)tiR × sun × sin × ainika ×
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Ragnelfr had this bridge made in memory of Ônundr, her good son. May God help his spirit and soul better than he deserved. No landmark will be more (great). The mother made in memory of her only son. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas


Findno.: 6067
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