Stein von Fjuckby

Sigle U 1016
Fundort Fjuckby (Ärentuna socken, Norunda härad, Uppland, S) Ort auf Karte

§P * liutr : sturimaþr * riti : stain : þinsa : aftir : sunu * sina : sa hit : aki : sims uti furs : sturþ(i) * -(n)ari * kuam *: hn krik*:hafnir : haima tu : ...-mu-... ...(k)(a)(r)... (i)uk (r)(u)-(a) * ...
§Q * liutr : sturimaþr * riti : stain : þinsa : aftir : sunu * sina : sa hit : aki : sims uti furs : sturþ(i) * -(n)ari * kuam *: hn krik * : hafnir : haima tu : ...-mu-... ...(k)(a)(r)... (i)uk (r)(u)-(a) * …
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §P Ljótr the captain erected this stone in memory of his sons. He who perished abroad was called Áki. (He) steered a cargo-ship; he came to Greek harbours; died at home ... ... cut the runes ... §Q Ljótr the captain erected this stone in memory of his sons. He who perished abroad was called Áki. (He) steered a cargo-ship; he came to Greece. Hefnir died at home ... ... cut the runes ... Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Runenreihe jüngeres fuþąrk
Inschrift­charakter run.
Zustand beeinträchtigt; gut
Vollständig? nein
Findno.: 7154
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