Stein von Bräcksta

Sigle U 1039
Fundort Bräcksta (Tensta socken, Norunda härad, Uppland, S) Ort auf Karte
§AP sthotbiarn ' auk istain ' (r)itu siin ' yftiR ' fnþur sin kula ' mesku ' g|i|r|i| |g|i|r|istr [li](t)in · sahlu hos §AQ sthotbiarn ' auk istain ' (r)itu siin ' yftiR ' fnþur sin kula ' mesku ' giristr [li](t)in · sahlu hos
§B kiulin ' ristiR ' runo ' þas ' kitiluha ' hit ' kuino ' has ' auk ' uielf/uielf^r
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §AQ Stóðbjǫrn(?) and Eysteinn erected the stone in memory of their father Gulli Myskja. May Christ relieve his soul. §A Stóðbjǫrn(?) and Eysteinn erected the stone in memory of their father Gulli(?). May Christ have mercy(?), relieve his soul. §B Kjúli(?) carved these runes. His wife was called Ketillaug/Ketillauga. And Véelfr. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Findno.: 7177
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