Blech von Sigtuna, Malmen, kvarteret Granhäcken

(Sigtuna, Malmen, kv. Granhäcken)

Sigle U Fv1933;134
Fundort Sigtuna (Sigtuna socken, Sigtuna kommun, Uppland, S) Ort auf Karte
§A þur/þurs| × |sarriþu × þursa trutin fliu þu nu=| |=funtin is
§B af þiR þriaR þraR ulf × ¶ af þiR niu noþiR ulfr iii ¶ isiR þis isiR auk is uniR ulfr niut lu¶¶fia
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §A Boil/Spectre of the wound-fever, lord of the giants! Flee now! You are found. §B Have for yourself three pangs, Wolf! Have for yourself nine needs, Wolf! <iii isiR þis isiR auk is uniR>, Wolf. Make good use of the healing(-charm)! Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
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Historiska museet (Stockholm, S)
Inventarnummer: 19692
Findno.: 7386
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