Evison. 1964. A Decorated Seax from the Thames at Keen Edge Ferry.

Aufsatz in Zeitschrift
  • Evison, Vera I.
Jahr 1964
Titel A Decorated Seax from the Thames at Keen Edge Ferry
Zeitschrift Berkshire Archaeological Journal
Band 61
Seiten 28-36

Titel Autor Jahr
The Dover Rune Brooch Evison, Vera I. 1964
The Dover Ring-Sword and Other Sword-Rings and Beads Evison, Vera I. 1967
The Derby Bone Piece Bately, Janet M. and Evison, Vera I. 1961
A Sword from the Thames at Wallingford Bridge Evison, Vera I. 1967
A Decorated Seax from the Thames at Keen Edge Ferry Evison, Vera I. 1964
Dover: the Buckland Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Evison, Vera I. 1987

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