Waxenberger. 2004. The 6th Rune c and its Additions ö (Rune 29) and ® (Rune 30) in the Old English fuþorc: Graphemic Variants and Phonological Realizations.

Aufsatz in Sammelband
Autor |
Jahr | 2004 |
Titel | The 6th Rune c and its Additions ö (Rune 29) and ® (Rune 30) in the Old English fuþorc: Graphemic Variants and Phonological Realizations |
Herausgeber |
Buchtitel | Namenwelten. Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde |
Band | 44 |
Seiten | 730-738 |