Åker, stone 1

(Åker-sten 1; Grødby-stenen)

Sigla Bh 27 | DR370 | L 1478 | DR 370
Findspot Åker (Åker Sogn, Bornholms Amt, Bornholm, DK) Place on map
þurfastr : auk : þurils : auk : bufi : þiR : satu : kuml : þusi : aftiR : -... ...f : auk : buruþR : kuþ : habi : ąta : þisa : auk : kus : muþR : sartr : rist : ret
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon Þorfastr and Þorgísl and Bófi, they placed this monument in memory of ...v and Bróðir. May God and God's mother help his spirit/their spirits. Svartr carved rightly. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

other : Våbenhus, Åkirke, Åkirkeby, DK
Findno.: 1010
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