Åker, stone 3

(Åker-sten 3; Åkirkebystenen; Bjælke-stenen)

Sigla Bh 29 | DR372 | DRM V, 20 | L 1477 | DR 372
Findspot Åker (Åkirkeby Sogn, Bornholms Amt, Bornholm, DK) Place on map
þurst(e)[in : let : hka | efetR : su--]- (:) koþr : | þign (:)
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon Þorstein, a good þegn, had (the stone) cut in memory of Sveinn. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

Findno.: 1012
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