Stein von Glavendrup


Siglen Fyn 26 | DR209 | L 1489 | DR 209 | DRM III, 8
Fundort Glavendrup (Skamby Sogn, Odense Amt, Fyn, DK) Ort auf Karte
Side A raknhiltr : sa|ti : stain þąnsi : auft | ala : saulua kuþa | uia l(i)þs haiþuiarþan þia|kn
Side B ala : suniR : karþu | kubl : þausi : aft : faþur | sin : auk : hąns : kuna : auft | uar : sin : in : suti : raist : run|aR : þasi : aft : trutin : sin | þur : uiki : þasi : runaR
Side C at : rita : sa : uarþi : is : stain þansi | ailti : iþa aft : ąnąn : traki
Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Ragnhildr placed this stone in memory of Alli the Pale, priest of the sanctuary, honourable þegn of the retinue. Alli's sons made this monument in memory of their father, and his wife in memory of her husband. And Sóti carved these runes in memory of his lord. Þórr hallow these runes. A warlock be he who damages(?) this stone or drags it (to stand) in memory of another. Quelle: Danske Runeindskrifter

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