Sønder Vissing, stone 1

(Sønder Vissing-sten 1; Sønder Vissing 1 )

Sigla MJy 98 | DR55 | DR 55
Findspot Sønder Vissing (Sønder Vissing Sogn, Skanderborg Amt, Midtjylland, DK) Place on map
tufa : lRt : kaurua : kubl | mistiuis : tutiR : uft : muþur | sina : | kuna | harats : hins : kuþa : kurms | sunaR
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon Tófa, Mistivir's daughter, wife of Haraldr the good, Gormr's son, had the monument made in memory of her mother. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

other : Sønder Vissing kirken, Sønder Vissing, DK
Findno.: 1110
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