Frei-Laubersheim, bow brooch


Sigla SG-34 | KJ144 | O16
Findspot Frei-Laubersheim (Frei-Laubersheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, D) Place on map
boso ˈ wraetruna ˈ | (2?) ˈ da(1?)ïna ˈ g(2-5?) |
Translation Flag icon Bōso ritzte die Rune/Runen. …
Translation Flag icon Bōso carved the rune/runes. …

Rune row older fuþark
Category run.
Preservation impaired; good
Complete­ness yes

No image available

Place of storage

Landesmuseum Mainz (Mainz, D)
Inventory number: 1761
Findno.: 145
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