Åker, baptismal font

(Åker-font; Åkirkeby-font)

Sigla Bh 30 | DR373 | L 1978 | DR 373 | DRM I, 1 Kap. 10
Findspot Åker (Åker Sogn, Bornholms Amt, Bornholm, DK) Place on map
þita : iR : saNti gabrel : ok : sehþi : saNta mari(a) : at han sku|Ldi : barn : (f)yþa : þita : iR : elicabeþ : ok : maria : ok : hailsas | : hiar : huilis : maria sum | : han : barn : fydi : skapera : himic : ok : iorþaR : sum os : le|ysti | þita : iRu : þaiR : þriR : kunuGaR : (s)um : (f)y(r)sti : giarþu : ofr : u|arum : drotNi : hiar : tok : (h)aN (uiþ)r : (kunuG)a : o(f)ri : uar drotiN | hiar : riþu : þaiR : burt : þriR : kunuGaR : | siþan þaiR : ofra(t) : ---a : (o)rum : drotNi | þaiR : þet : hi(a)- : fram : s--(u) : (io)þaR : toku | uarn : drotin : ok --Nd- : --N : uiþ- -re : ok : (g)etu | siþan : ladu : (þa)iR : haN : burt : þiaþa(n) : buNdiN | ok : (n)ehldu : hiar : ioþaR : iesus : a krus : si : fram : a þita | sihraf(R) : (m)e--e-(i) :
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon This is Saint Gabrel and he said to Saint Mary that she would bear a child. These are Elisabeth and Mary and they greet each other. Here Mary rests, as she bore the child, Creator of Heaven and Earth, who redeemed us. These are the Three Kings, who first made offerings to Our Lord. Here He accepted the Kings' offerings, Our Lord. Here the Three Kings rode away, after they had made offerings to Our Lord. {þaiR} that here forward ... Jews took Our Lord and bound(?) him to a tree and placed him under guard. Then they led him bound away from there, and here the Jews nailed Jesus to the cross. Witness that which is right before you. Master Sigreifr. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Findno.: 1583
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