Holm B 59 4to, 56v

Siglum Holm B 59 4to, 56v
Findspot Holm B 59 4to, Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm (-, -, -, S) Place on map
{oc i væghfarænd[i]} m {þem eigh fek sinær þæwir} / {wil hwarti wæghfarændæ} m {af sinu sæliæ} / {wæghfarend[i]} m {oc þæn su[m] til ær rættær} / {wæghfarænd[i]} m {lysti fore gra[n]nu[m] æll[æ]r for skiælicu[m]} m
Source: Edition Bauer/Heizmann
Translation Flag icon m / m / m / m / m Source: Edition Bauer/Heizmann

Class of object manuscript
Type of object manuscript on parchment
Object leaf
Measure­ments 19; 15; 77
Find year -
Class of material parchment
Material -
Material specifics -
Preservation good
Complete­ness yes
External dating 1290 - 1325
Method of dating palaeograph.+ling.
Icono­graphic elements no
Context Historiographical literature and legal texts
Context specifics (RM) Äldre Västgötalagen (Om edsöres)

Rune row medieval runes
Category scripta mixta
Preservation good
Complete­ness yes

Place of storage

Kungliga biblioteket (Stockholm, S)
Findno.: 200117
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