Nørstebø, stone

Siglum N 29
Findspot Nørstebø (Lesja kommune, -, Oppland fylke, N) Place on map
× þair : finr : auk : skofti : rais(t)u : s(t)in : þena : þa : es : (þ)air : s(k)iþtu : lantom : sinum : saRn(e)r : uala ×
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Finnr and Skopti, Váli's sons, they raised this stone when they divided their land(ed property). Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

UiO, Kulturhistorisk museum (Oslo, N)
Inventory number: 358
Findno.: 2028
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