Urnes kirke, wood inscription
Siglum | N 331 |
Findspot | Urnes kirke (Luster kommune, -, Sogn og Fjordane fylke, N) |
Transliteration |
Translation | Gauti |
Class of object | edifice |
Type of object | church building |
Object | wood inscription |
Measurements | 1,3; - (Inschrift) |
Find year | 1904 |
Class of material | wood |
Material | - |
Material specifics | - |
Preservation | good |
Completeness | yes |
External dating | 1100 - 1500 |
Method of dating | - |
Iconographic elements | no |
Dating (ICO style) | - |
Context | settlement |
Rune row | younger fuþąrk |
Category | run. |
Preservation | good |
Completeness | yes |
Place of storage
in situ
: på fjerde søile i søndre skib, Urnes stavkirke, Ornes, N
Additional links
Findno.: 2330