Stein von Karlevi

Sigle Öl 1
Fundort Karlevi (Vickleby socken, Algutsrums härad, Öland, S) Ort auf Karte
§A + s-a... --(s)- i(a)s * satr * aiftir * si(b)(a) * kuþa * sun * fultars * in hons ** liþi * sati * at * u * -ausa-þ-... +: fulkin : likr : hins : fulkþu : flaistr (:)* uisi * þat * maistar * taiþir : tulka * þruþar : traukr : i : þaimsi * huki * munat : raiþ:uiþur : raþa : ruk:starkr * i * tanmarku : --ntils : iarmun**kruntar : urkrontari : lonti
{÷ IN| |NONIN- ¶ + HE... ...}
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §A This stone is set up in memory of Sibbi Góði/Goði, son of Foldarr, and his retinue set on ... Hidden lies the one whom followed (most know that) the greatest deeds, Þrud's warrior of battles, in this mound. Never will a more honest, hard-fighting 'wagon-Viðurr' upon Endill's expanses rule the land in Denmark. [This stone is placed in memory of Sibbi the good, Fuldarr's son, and his retinue placed on ... ... He lies concealed, he who was followed by the greatest deeds (most men knew that), a chieftain (battle-tree of [the Goddess] Þrúðr) in this howe; Never again shall such a battle-hardened sea-warrior (Viðurr-of-the-Carriage of [the Sea-king] Endill's mighty dominion ( = God of the vessels of the the sea) ), rule unsurpassed over land in Denmark.] §B {In the name of Jesus(?) ...} Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas


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