Lerkaka, stone

Sigla Öl 37 | B 1054
Findspot Lerkaka (Runstens socken, Runstens härad, Öland, S) Ort auf Karte

§P olafR × auk × kamal × auk × sagsi × raistu + stain × þina × aftiR × [un × faþur × sin × kai](R)ui lit × at × bonta × sin × hiarsu[k] kubl þsi fiaRun olafR hefnt[i at miomu ati un hiar hal](f)an by
§Q olafR × auk × kamal × auk × sagsi × raistu + stain × þina × aftiR × [un × faþur × sin × kai](R)ui lit × at × bonta × sin × hiarsu[k] kubl þsi fiaRun olafR hefnt[i at miom| |mu ati un hiar hal](f)an by
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flaggen Icon §P Ólafr and Gamall and Saxi raised this stone in memory of Unn, their father. Geirvé had these monuments (raised) here in memory of her husbandman. Ólafr avenged Féar-Unn (Rich-Unn) at Mon(?). Unn owned here half the village. §Q Ólafr and Gamall and Saxi raised this stone in memory of Unn, their father. Geirvé had these monuments (raised) here in memory of her husbandsman. Ólafr avenged Féar-Unn (Rich-Unn) in the middle of the heath(?). Unn owned here half the village. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

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