Stein von Ramsta

Sigle Sö 60
Fundort Ramsta (Husby-Oppunda socken, Oppunda härad, Södermanland, S) Ort auf Karte
auþa : auk : ika * auk * erintis * þriþi * hafa * muþk-... -þ um * karua * stain ra--... itiR * suain * faþur : sin * auk * at kuþfast * bruþr * sin * han uaR : sun : auþuR
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Auða and Inga and Erindís as the third, the mother and daughters have (achieved) the feat of making and raising(?) the stone in memory of Sveinn, their father, and in memory of Guðfastr, their brother. He was Auða's son. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
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anderer Aufbewahrungsort : I Husbygårds Park, Husby-Oppunda, S
Findno.: 4643
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