Felsplatte von Oklunda

Siglen Ög N288 | Ög ÖR1980;19
Fundort Oklunda (Östra Husby socken, Östkinds härad, Östergötland, S) Ort auf Karte

§P kunar ÷ faþi runaR þisaR ÷ in sa flau sakiR ÷ suti ui þita ÷ in sa fl- (i)n ruþ þan ÷ in sa bat uifin ÷ þitta faþi ÷
§Q kunar ÷ faþi runaR þisaR ÷ in sa flau sakiR ÷ suti ui þita ÷ in sa fl- (i)n ruþ þan ÷ in sa bat uifin ÷ þit tafaði(?) ÷
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon §P Gunnarr coloured these runes, and he guilty fled. Sought this sanctuary out. And he fled into this clearing. And he bound. Véfinnr coloured this. §Q Gunnarr coloured these runes, and he guilty fled. Sought this sanctuary out. And he fled into this clearing. And he bound Véfinnr, who prevented(?) it. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas


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