Schürhaken von Kullans

Sigle G 78
Fundort Kullans (Gerums socken, Fardhems ting, Gotland, S) Ort auf Karte
× botmundr : kullanz : han : lit : gerra : hila : mur:uerk : o=k : sia=lvr : gerde ¶ trri:uirk : stuvu : o=k : sumar:hus : o=k : ta uar : h : sunudahr o=k : k : brim:stavr : i : tretando ¶ rado : o=k : lyfþadis : a : santa : simi iute : afton ¶ ma=rkit : hit : hustrun
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Bótmundr, Kullandr's (son), he had this wall made, [and he] himself made woodwork for the cottage and summerhouse. And then H was the Sunday[-stave] and K ... in the thirteenth row. And it was finished on Santi Sime Jude evening. (His) wife was called Margit. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
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Gotlands Museum (Visby, S)
Inventarnummer: C 395
Findno.: 4938
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