Stein von Norra Sandsjö prästgård

Siglen Sm 71 | L 1240
Fundort Norra Sandsjö prästgård (Norra Sandsjö socken, Västra härad, Småland, S) Ort auf Karte
× erinuorþr × let × reisa × stein × þena × eftiR × heka × faþur × sin × auk × heru × faþur : hans × auk × karl × hans × faþur ... × heru × hans × faþur × auk × þiagn × hans × faþur × auk × eftiR × þe × lagfaþrga × fem ×
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Erinvarðr had this stone raised in memory of Heggi, his father and Hæra, his (i.e. Heggi's) father, and Karl, his (i.e. Hæra's) father and Hæra, his father and Þegn, his father and in memory of these five forefathers. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas


in situ : Norra Sandsjö prästgård, Norra Sandsjö, S
Findno.: 5130
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