Hogräns kyrka, stone

Siglum G 203
Findspot Hogräns kyrka (Hogräns socken, Stenkumla ting, Gotland, S) Place on map
sigmutr let rasa sain eftiR bruþr : sina : auk : bro : kierua : eftiR : sikbiern : santa mikal hie[lbi] ... ...ans auk : at : botraif auk at sigraif : auk : at aibiern : faþur þaiRa : altr : auk bikui han : i by : sunarst kaiRuiþr lekþi ormaluR nemR : in[t]i uR ¶ sikmutr [--fiR :] sliku : unit kuml ¶ karmanum : þet aR [:] ... kun : hier : mun : stanta stain : a[t] : merki bietr a : bierki in bro furiR ¶ roþ(b)iern risti run(i)R [þ]esa kaiRl-ifR sumaR aR karla kann
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Sigmundr had the stone raised in memory of his brothers, and the bridge made in memory of Sigbjǫrn - may saint Michael help his soul - and in memory of Bótreifr and in memory of Sigreifr and in memory of Eibjǫrn, father of them all, and he lived in the most southern estate. Geirviðr laid the snake-loop(?), Næmr sorted them out. / skilful he sorted them out. Sigmundr has thus produced the monument. For males, it is a known ... Here may the stone stand as a landmark, clearly on the hill, and the bridge before it. Hróðbjǫrn carved these runes, Geirleifr some, who well knows how. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Gotlands Museum (Visby, S)
Inventory number: C 10645
Findno.: 5257
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