Grabplatte von Hejnums kyrka

Sigle G 242
Fundort Hejnums kyrka (Hejnums socken, Bäls ting, Gotland, S) Ort auf Karte
÷: gairuatr : af * norþrby : huilis hiar : ok * hans [*] husbroia : ruþiauþ : gerin uel * (o)k * biþin * firi * þaim * þaun u-ru * þet * sum * iR iarin * nu * ok * iR * uarþi(n) * þet * sum * þa=un * iaru * nu
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Geirhvatr of Norðrbýr/Norrbys rests here and his housewife Hróðþjóð. Be so kind and pray for them. They were that which you are now and you will become that which they are now. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
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anderer Aufbewahrungsort : Fastklamrad mot stödmurens västra sida, Hejnums kyrka, Hejnum, S
Findno.: 5296
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