Stäringe, stone

Siglum Sö 320
Findspot Stäringe (Ärdala socken, Villåttinge härad, Södermanland, S) Place on map
: kaiRuatr : auk : anutr : auk : utamr : rita : stain : at : byrst(a)in * bruþur : sin : saR uaR : austr * miþ ikuari : trik : snialan : sun : lifayaR ×
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Geirhvatr and Ônundr and Ótamr had the stone erected in memory of Bjórsteinn, their brother. He was in the east with Ingvarr, an able valiant man, the son of Lífey. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 5852
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