Ärja ödekyrka, stone

Siglum Sö 333
Findspot Ärja ödekyrka (Åkers socken, Åkers härad, Södermanland, S) Place on map
: amuit * rsti * sina * þina * yti * suna * sina * rnulfu/unulfu * aku * hrenki bruþur * sena * uarþi * uti * terebina * i * kalmarna * sutuma * furu * afu * skani ×× eski * rsti * runa * þasi ×
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Ámundi(?) raised this stone in memory of his son Rúnulfr/Unnulfr, and Hringr(?), his brother. (He) was killed out in the Kalmarnir sound, (as they) travelled from Scania. Áskell/Ásgeirr carved these runes. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 5918
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