Stein von Turinge kyrka
Sigle | Sö 338 |
Fundort | Turinge kyrka (Turinge socken, Öknebo härad, Södermanland, S) |
Transliteration |
§A * ketil : auk + biorn + þaiR + raistu + stain + þin[a] + at + þourstain : faþur + sin + anuntr + at + bruþur + sin + auk : hu[skar]laR + hifiR + iafna + ketilau at + buanta sin * ¶ bruþr uaRu þaR bistra mana : a : lanti auk : i liþi : uti : h(i)(l)(t)u sini huska(r)la : ui- +
§B han + fial + i + urustu + austr + i + garþum + lis + furugi + lanmana + bestr |
Übersetzung | §A Ketill and Bjǫrn, they raised this stone in memory of Þorsteinn, their father; Ǫnundr in memory of his brother and the housecarls in memory of the just(?) (and) Ketiley in memory of her husbandman. These brothers were the best of men in the land and abroad in the retinue, held their housecarls well. §B He fell in battle in the east in Garðar (Russia), commander of the retinue, the best of landholders. |
Objektklasse | Stein |
Objekttyp | Runenstein |
Träger | Stein |
Objektmaße | 209;119;- |
Fundjahr | - |
Materialklasse | Stein |
Material | Sandstein |
Material Speziell | - |
Zustand | gut |
Vollständig | ja |
Ext. Datierung | 725 - 1100 |
Datierungsart | arch. |
Ikonographische Elemente | ja |
Datierung Speziell (ICO) | Pr4 (ca. 1070-1100) |
Kontext | - |
Runenreihe | jüngeres fuþąrk |
Inschriftcharakter | run. |
Zustand | gut |
Vollständig | ja |
anderer Aufbewahrungsort
: I vapenhuset, Turinge kyrka, Turinge, S
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