Stockby, stone

Siglum U 32
Findspot Stockby (Sånga socken, Färentuna härad, Uppland, S) Place on map
+ unfaikr + auk + krukr + auk × stain + auk + halki × litu + raisa + stain × þana + aftir × suain + foþur sin × auk + at + butna + bruþur sin auk × ika + kuþ × hialbi + ont þaira
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Ófeigr and Krókr and Steinn and Helgi had this stone raised in memory of Sveinn, their father, and in memory of Botni, their brother, and Inga (also raised). May God help their spirits. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 5995
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