Riksby, Bromma församling, stone

Siglum U 57
Findspot Riksby (-, Stockholm kommun, Uppland, S) Place on map
: si[nar :] auk [þork... : auk : uifast- ...]tu : r[isa : stin : eft]iR : biarn : faþur si[- -oti] koþr : by[ki| |i : ulsunti]
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Sinarr and Þorkell and Véfastr had the stone raised in memory of Bjǫrn, their father, a good husbandman (who) lived in Ulfsund. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Inventory number: 274
Findno.: 6020
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