Hagby, rock slab

Sigla U 144 | B 125 | L 651
Findspot Hagby (Täby socken, Danderyds skeppslag, Uppland, S) Place on map
+ kamal × auk × þurstain + auk × þurhils × litu × rista × runa × iftiR × biarn × faþur isnn × auk + iftiR × isikat × bruþur is- auk × hulmfriR iftiR buanta sin
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Gamall and Þorsteinn and Þorgísl had the runes carved in memory of Bjǫrn, their father and in memory of Sighvatr, their brother; and Holmfríðr in memory of her husbandman. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 6178
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