Stein von Risbyle
Sigle | U 160 |
Fundort | Risbyle (Täby socken, Danderyds skeppslag, Uppland, S) |
Transliteration |
ulfkitil * uk * kui uk + uni + þiR × litu * rhisa × stin þina * iftiR * ulf * faþur * sin * kuþan on * buki * i skul(o)bri * kuþ * ilbi * ons * at * uk * salu * uk * kusþ muþiR * li anum lus * uk baratis
Übersetzung | Ulfketill and Gýi and Uni/Unni, they had this stone raised in memory of Ulfr, their good father. He lived in Skolhamarr. May God and God's mother help his spirit and soul; grant him light and paradise. |
Objektklasse | Stein |
Objekttyp | Runenstein |
Träger | Stein |
Objektmaße | 275; 100; - |
Fundjahr | - |
Materialklasse | Stein |
Material | Granit |
Material Speziell | - |
Zustand | gut |
Vollständig | ja |
Ext. Datierung | 725 - 1100 |
Datierungsart | arch. |
Ikonographische Elemente | ja |
Datierung Speziell (ICO) | Pr1 (ca. 1010-1040) |
Kontext | - |
Runenreihe | jüngeres fuþąrk |
Inschriftcharakter | run. |
Zustand | gut |
Vollständig | ja |
Findno.: 6194