Ågersta, stone

Siglum U 729
Findspot Ågersta (Löts socken, Trögds härad, Uppland, S) Ort auf Karte
* uiþugsi * lit * raisa * stain * þiasn * iftiR * seref * faþur * sen * koþan * han * byki| |i * agurstam * hier mn * stanta * stan * miþli * bua * raþi * tekr * þaR * ryn si * runum * þim sum * bali * risti *
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flaggen Icon Víðhugsi had this stone raised in memory of Særeifr/Sigreifr, his good father. He lived in Ôgurstaðir. Here will the stone stand between the estates. May the valiant man / the adept who is rune-skilled interpret those runes which Balli carved. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Findno.: 6871
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