Stein von Broholm

Sigle U 920
Fundort Broholm (Jumkils socken, Ulleråkers härad, Uppland, S) Ort auf Karte
iki-...- * auk o...untr : þeR : litu risa : sti[(n)] : þinsa iftiR hiþinbiurn : uk : fastbiurn : uk ...(l)k... faþur sin kuþ hialbi sialu þi-...
Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Übersetzung Flaggen Icon Ingi-... and Ǫnundr, they had this stone raised in memory of Heðinbjǫrn and Fastbjǫrn and ... their father. May God help their souls. Quelle: Samnordisk runtextdatabas


Findno.: 7059
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