Ängvreta, stone

Siglum U 1139
Findspot Ängvreta (Hållnäs socken, Olands härad, Uppland, S) Place on map

§P huskarl ' auk tiuRi ' faþrkaR tuaiR rastu stain þina| |aftiR ' t=riuRkaiR (b)ruþur huskarlsa ' auk sun tiuRa in fasþikn raist a runoR þisaR þaiR ---
§Q huskarl ' auk tiuRi ' faþrkaR tuaiR rastu stain þina| |aftiR ' t=riuRkaiR (b)ruþur huskarlsa ' auk sun tiuRa in fasþikn raista runoR þisaR þaiR ---
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon §P Húskarl and Djúri, the father and son twosome, raised this stone in memory of Djúrgeirr, Húskarl's brother and Djúri's son. And Fastþegn carved these runes on - they ... §Q Húskarl and Djúri, the father and son twosome, raised this stone in memory of Djúrgeirr, Húskarl's brother and Djúri's son. And Fastþegn carved these runes they ... Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Rune row younger fuþąrk
Category run.
Preservation impaired; good
Complete­ness no
Findno.: 7277
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