Altuna kyrka, stone

Siglum U 1161
Findspot Altuna kyrka (Altuna socken, Simtuna härad, Uppland, S) Ort auf Karte
§A uifasþtr + fulkahþr + kuþar + litu + resa + sþten + Rþti + sen + faþur + ulfasþ + arfast
§BP beþi + feþrkag + burnu + e(n) ...(R) + bali + fresþen + liþ + lifsþen... ...
§BQ beþi + feþrkag + burnu + e(n) … + bali + fresþen + liþ + lifsþen
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flaggen Icon §A Véfastr, Folkaðr, Guðvarr(?) had the stone raised in memory of their father Holmfastr, (and in memory of) Arnfastr. §BP Both father and son were burned, and Balli (and) Freysteinn, of Hlífsteinn's retinue, carved. §BQ Both father and son were burned, and Balli (and) Freysteinn (and) Hlífsteinn (carved?). Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Findno.: 7299
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