Tomstad, stone
Sigla | N KJ79 | KJ79 | NIæR12 |
Findspot | Tomstad (Farsund kommune, -, Vest-Agder fylke, N) |
Transliteration |
[?]an ˈ waruz |
Translation | Steinmonument des ... |
Translation | ...'s stone monument |
Class of object | stone |
Type of object | rune stone |
Object | stone |
Measurements | 78; 47,5; 15,5 |
Find year | 1851-1852 |
Class of material | stone |
Material | Hornblende-granite |
Material specifics | - |
Preservation | fragmented |
Completeness | no |
External dating | 0 - 0 |
Method of dating | - |
Iconographic elements | no |
Dating (ICO style) | - |
Context | burial |
Rune row | older fuþark |
Category | run. |
Preservation | fragmented |
Completeness | no |
Findno.: 75