AM 673 a I 4to

Siglum AM 673 a I 4to
Findspot AM 673 a I 4to, Nordisk Forskningsinstitut, Københavns Universitet (-, -, -, DK) Place on map
{þat eſ} m {fram, en dyr aftr} /{ef} m {meler efpt[er] þeı[m], ſe[m] þa eſ hıa, þot ſa mele rangt;} /{retoꝛþr ſcal goþ[r]} m {of alla luttı avalt, hvartt ſem er ꜹþıgrı etþa ſnꜹþr}
Source: Edition Bauer/Heizmann
Translation Flag icon Es ist vorn Mensch, aber hinter Thier / wenn Jemand von Leuten in ihrer Gegenwart Gutes spricht, obwohl er sonst Böses sagt / Wahrhaft soll ein guter Mensch überall in allen Dingen sein, sei er reich oder arm Source: Edition Bauer/Heizmann
Translation Flag icon Is is a man in front and an animal behind / if one agrees with a person when he is present, even if he speaks falsely / A good man should always be properly spoken in all things whether he is rich or poor Source: Edition Bauer/Heizmann

Rune row medieval runes
Category scripta mixta
Preservation good
Complete­ness yes

Place of storage

Nordisk Forskningsinstitut, Københavns Universitet (København, DK)
Findno.: 9977
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