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Graph type 114 (6 Belege in 6 Inschriften)

Timeline (6 Einträge)

Please note:The timeline only includes finds for which a reliable, usually external, dating is available.

Rune row (6 Inschriften mit Varianten von GT 114)


Funde mit diesem Graphtypen (6/6)

Graph type 114

Graphtypological description

Elements: SHHPP
Stave 1 (vertical)
Hook 1 (open to the left): right (S1), top (H2)
Hook 2 (open to the left): right (S1), bottom (H1)
Dot 1: in between (S1/H1), top (P2)
Dot 2: in between (S1/H2), bottom (P1)
Vertex 1 (S1/H1): 1(+) - top
Vertex 2 (S1/H1/H2): 2 - 3
Vertex 3 (S1/H2): bottom - 4(+)
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