Hines. 1991. A New Runic Inscription From Norfolk.

Aufsatz in Zeitschrift
  • Hines, John
Jahr 1991
Titel A New Runic Inscription From Norfolk
Zeitschrift Nytt om Runer
Band 6
Seiten 6-7

Titel Autor Jahr
Rez./Rev. Klaus Düwel (hg.). 1994. Runische Schriftkultur in kontinental-skandinavischer und -angelsächsischer Wechselbeziehung. Internationales Symposium in der Werner-Reimers-Stiftung vom 24.-27. Juni 1992 in Bad Homburg. Berlin, New York Hines, John 1995
Rez./Rev. Hans Frede Nielsen. 2000. The Early Runic Language of Scandinavia. Studies in Germanic Dialect Geography. Heidelberg Hines, John 2002
Rez. Schneider 1969/1994 Hines, John 1998
Rez./Rev. (ohne hg.). 1987. Runor och runinskrifter. Föredrag vid Riksantikvarieämbetets och Vitterhetsakademiens symposium 8-11 september 1985. Stockholm Hines, John 1986-1989
The Undley Bracteate and its Runic Inscription: I The Undley Bracteate in the Context of other Anglian English Bracteate Finds Hines, John 1987
A New Runic Inscription from South Humberside, England Hines, John 1989
A New Runic Inscription From Norfolk Hines, John 1991
Coins and Runes in England and Frisia in the Seventh Century Hines, John 1996
An Inscribed Disc from the River Yare near Norwich Hines, John 1997/1998
New Light on Literacy in Eighth-Century East Anglia: a Runic Inscription from Baconsthorpe Hines, John 2011
The Benedicite Canticle in Old English Verse: An Early Runic Witness from Southern Lincolnshire Hines, John 2015
The Scandinavian Character of Anglian England in the Pre-Viking Period Hines, John 1984
Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave-Goods of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries AD: A Chronological Framework Hines, John and Bayliss, Alex 2013
The Archaeological Dating of the Early Finds: How Certain are the Results? Hines, John None
The Runic Inscriptions of Early Anglo-Saxon England Hines, John 1990
Philology, Archaeology and the Adventus Saxonum vel Anglorum Hines, John 1990
Some Observations on the Runic Inscriptions of Early Anglo-Saxon England Hines, John 1991
Grave Finds with Runic Inscriptions from Great Britain Hines, John 1998
The Early Runic Inscriptions from Kent and the Problem of Legibility Hines, John 2006
Practical Runic Literacy in the Late Anglo-Saxon Period: Inscriptions on Lead Sheet Hines, John 2019
The Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem Revisited Bammesberger, Alfred None
How 'English' is the Early Frisian Runic Corpus? The Evidence of Sounds and Forms Waxenberger, Gaby 2017
A 'Norwegian-Type' Wrist-Clasp from Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, Nottinghamshire, England Hines, John 1986

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