Vimose, plane

(Vimose-høvl )

Sigla Fyn 18 | DR206 | KJ25 | DR 206
Findspot Vimose (Allese Sogn, Odense Amt, Fyn, DK) Place on map
talijo | gis(1?)ioj ˈ wiliz(1-2?)lao(0-3?) | t(3-4?)s ˈ hl(e)uno ˈ an[1?] ˈ regu |
Translation Flag icon Hobel …
Translation Flag icon plane …

Rune row older fuþark
Category run.
Preservation impaired; fragmented
Complete­ness no

Place of storage

Nationalmuseet (København, DK)
Inventory number: 24373
Findno.: 19
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