By, stone


Sigla N KJ71 | KJ71 | NIæR6
Findspot By (Sigdal kommune, -, Buskerud fylke, N) Place on map
e(k 1?)rilaʀhroʀaʀhroʀeʀo(r)teþataʀina(8-10?)|rmþ(1?) |
Translation Flag icon ich, Irilaz, Hrōzaz - Hrōzez machte diese Steinplatte …
Translation Flag icon I, Irilaz, Hrōzaz - Hrōzez made this stone slab …

Rune row older fuþark
Category run.
Preservation impaired; good
Complete­ness yes

Place of storage

UiO, Kulturhistorisk museum (Oslo, N)
Inventory number: C3810
Findno.: 68
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