Westerdahl. 2002. The cognitive landscape of naval warfare and defence. Toponymic and archaeological aspects.

Aufsatz in Tagungsakten
  • Westerdahl, Christer
Jahr 2002
Titel The cognitive landscape of naval warfare and defence. Toponymic and archaeological aspects
  • Nørgård Jørgensen, Anne
  • John Pind
  • Lars Jørgensen
  • Birthe Clausen
Buchtitel Maritime Warfare in Northern Europe. Technology, organisation, logistics and administration 500 BC-1500 AD. Papers from an International Research Seminar at the Danish National Museum, Copenhagen, 3-5 May 2000
Seiten 169-190

Titel Autor Jahr
On the Significance of Portages. A survey of a new research theme Westerdahl, Christer 2006
Husebyene i Norden Westerdahl, Christer and Stylegar, Frans-Arne 2004
The cognitive landscape of naval warfare and defence. Toponymic and archaeological aspects Westerdahl, Christer 2002

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