Ball. 1988. Problems in Early Northumbrian Phonology.

Aufsatz in Sammelband
  • Ball, Christopher
Jahr 1988
Titel Problems in Early Northumbrian Phonology
  • Kastovsky, Dieter
  • Bauer, Gero
Buchtitel Papers read at the Luick-Symposium at Schloß Liechtenstein, 15. - 18.9.1985
Seiten 109-117

Titel Autor Jahr
The Franks Casket: Right Side Ball, Christopher 1966
The Franks Casket: Right Side – Again Ball, Christopher 1974
Problems in Early Northumbrian Phonology Ball, Christopher 1988
Inconsistencies in the Main Inscriptions on the Ruthwell Cross Ball, Christopher 1991
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