Parsons. 1994. Anglo-Saxon Runes in Continental Manuscripts.

Aufsatz in Sammelband
Autor |
Jahr | 1994 |
Titel | Anglo-Saxon Runes in Continental Manuscripts |
Herausgeber |
Buchtitel | Runische Schriftkultur in kontinental-skandinavischer und -angelsächsischer Wechselbeziehung, Internationales Symposium in der Werner-Reimers-Stiftung vom 24.-27. Juni 1992 in Bad Homburg |
Reihe | Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde |
Seiten | 195-220 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
New Runic Finds from Brandon, Suffolk | Parsons, David | 1991 |
German Runes in Kent? | Parsons, David | 1992 |
Recasting the Runes, The Reform of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc | Parsons, David | 1999 |
The Bewcastle Cross | Page, Raymond I. | 1995 |
Runenkyndige Risteres Skriblerier: The English Evidence | Page, Raymond I. | 1995 |
Roman and Runic on St. Cuthbert's Coffin | Page, Raymond I. | 1995 |
The Use of Double Runes in Old English Inscriptions | Page, Raymond I. | 1995 |
Sandwich: the Oldest Scandinavian Rune-stone in England? | Parsons, David | 1994 |
Anglo-Saxon Runes in Continental Manuscripts | Parsons, David | 1994 |
The Origins and Chronology of Anglo-Frisian Additional Runes | Parsons, David | 1996 |
Runenreihen | Bammesberger, Alfred and Parsons, David N. | 2003 |
Anglo-Saxon Runic Inscriptions on Portable Objects | Parsons, David | 1994 |